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The TOUGHEST GIRLS of the GALAXY (TGG): three outstanding armies of decidedly full of attitude 28mm-scale female miniatures perfect for painting and collecting, and as ideal proxies for wargaming. Look for new releases every month throughout the year!
THE JAILBIRDS DIVISION (JB): They are a bunch of low-life bad-ass big-attitude girls who all ended up in planetary prison held by the Kurganov government. In the game, they will be used as small penitentiary contingents led by the Kurganova Shock Troops, or as a full autonomous faction (for those who escaped captivity). Commando-style units with nothing to lose, they specialise in acquiring enemy equipment for their own purposes.
THE KURGANOVA SHOCK TROOPS (KST): Led by the ultra-powerful Kurganov family, the Kurganova Shock Troops are a highly organized and disciplined army with underlying Eastern European themes who also benefit from the support of strong cyber-enhanced paganic magic which, among other things, allows them to 'waken' the 'were' gene that can transform some of them into giant were-wolves, were-bears, or other were-animals.
THE IRON EMPIRE (IE): They are exiled people who have somehow stumbled upon necromantic knowledge from alien pharaonic gods. Combining Prussian and Germanic influences with some kind of Aegyptian cyber necromancy, they can raise the dead and create bio-mechanical aberrations.