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  • The von Königsmark Limited Edition Box
    €48.35 €39.95 The von Königsmark Limited Edition Box
    A saving of almost 3 Euros (at retail price) when purchasing the 3 von Königsmark sisters together in this special Limited Edition, and, in addition, the Box includes three exclusive bonuses:• Walter, their...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Jailbirds 1
    €48.35 €39.95 Character (Heroines) Box Jailbirds 1
    This box contains all 3 Jailbirds Heroines from our first TGG public release (December 2014). Content: One-Shot Blondie (JB) Yoko the Psycho, Pyromaniac (JB) Mad Nurse Bernadette (JB) Harry the baby Hippo, the very...

  • Character (Heroines) Box KST 1
    €48.35 €39.95 Character (Heroines) Box KST 1
    This box contains all 3 KST Heroines from our first TGG public release (December 2014). Content: Orbital Strike Commander (Adviser) (KST) Natasha, Com Operator (KST) Tarja, Yaga Soul-Weaver (KST) Charlie, the KST...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire 1
    €50.35 €41.95 Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire 1
    This box contains all 3 Iron Emire Heroines from our first TGG public release (December 2014). Box Content Mortaria Noctis, Hitwoman (IE) Lady Hilda von Stroheim (IE) Vera Krabbenhöft, Battle Standard (IE) Jinx,...

  • Daughters of the Orphanage - All Stars Troopers (Sisters - FANTASY)
    €55.00 €39.95 Daughters of the Orphanage - All Stars Troopers (Sisters - FANTASY)
    Your customers save 36% when purchase this box instead of each minis individually.But hurry, pricing will soon revert to 39.95€. These are the All-Stars Daughters of the Orphanage's Troops...

  • Daughters of the Crucible - All Stars TROOPS (Sisters SF)
    €55.00 €39.95 Daughters of the Crucible - All Stars TROOPS (Sisters SF)
    Launch price: Save 27% when you purchase this box instead of each minis individually. This is the Troops Box of the Daughters of the Crucible. It features these 5 intense Daughters: Cha-Cha Silencia 'Cookie'...

  • Daughters of the Crucible Pack - All 10 Stars Command AND Troops (Sisters SF)
    €110.00 €69.00 Daughters of the Crucible Pack - All 10 Stars Command AND Troops (Sisters SF)
    SPECIAL OFFER!Your customers save 37% with this PACK instead of getting all 10 MINIS individually, AND Save 14% with this PACK instead of getting the Command and the Troops BOX separately...

  • Daughters of the Crucible - All Stars Command Group (Sisters - SF)
    €55.00 €39.95 Daughters of the Crucible - All Stars Command Group (Sisters - SF)
    Launch price: Save 27% when you purchase this box instead of each minis individually. This is the All-Stars Command Group of the Daughters of the Crucible. It features these 5 fiery Daughters: Esperanza Espinosa, their...

  • Character (Heroines) Box KST 2
    €42.85 €37.95 Character (Heroines) Box KST 2
    This box contains all 3 KST Heroines from our second TGG public release (September 2015). Content: Aaqila Noyakin, Heavy Gunner (KST) Karmina Noxx, Elite Sniper (KST) Nurse Karoline, Field Medic (KST) 3 round 25mm...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire 4
    €52.85 €44.95 Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire 4
    This box contains all 3 Iron Empire Heroines from our sixth TGG public release (February 2016). Box Content: Lady Sigrith, Great Embalmer (IE) Nepharya, Necro Priestess (IE) Lieutenant Colonel Krüger (IE) 3 round...

  • Heroines Box Void Elves 2 (SF)
    €50.00 €39.95 Heroines Box Void Elves 2 (SF)
    Follow the links to see each model in detail. Scale is Heroic 28mm. All minis are in resin. → SAVE  20% with this box instead of getting each item separately. Box contains 3 Void Elves Heroines and...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire 2
    €42.85 €37.95 Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire 2
    This box contains all 3 Iron Empire Heroines from our second TGG public release (September 2015). Box Content: Kristina Karlstein, Armoured Division Officer (IE) Lieutenant Drakkan, Iron Storm Officer (IE) W101, Cyber...

  • Crimson Redeemers 10 All-Stars – ALL 10! (SOEM – SF)
    €110.00 €59.00 Crimson Redeemers 10 All-Stars – ALL 10! (SOEM – SF)
    SPECIAL OFFER! Your customers Save with this PACK instead of getting all 10 MINIS individually, or even with getting the Command and the Troops BOX separately. This Pack gets you all 10 fabulous Crimson...

  • Character (Heroines) Box KST 4
    €41.85 €36.95 Character (Heroines) Box KST 4
    This box contains all 3 KST Heroines from our fifth TGG public release (January 2016). Content: Commander Elektra Einsenstein, Armored Division (KST) Ivanka Kurganova (Snow Version), Battalion Commander (KST) Jaheda...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Jailbirds 2
    €42.85 €37.95 Character (Heroines) Box Jailbirds 2
    This box contains all 3 Jailbirds Heroines from our third TGG public release (October 2015). Content: Lucky Lucy, Spotter (JB) Mimi the Radio (JB) Cruz, Heavy Gunner (JB) 3 round 25mm bases All minis are in...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire 3
    €41.95 €36.95 Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire 3
    This box contains all 3 Iron Empire Heroines from our second TGG public release (September 2015). Box Content: Doctor Von X, Field Medic (IE) Arthemisia Rosenkrantz, Strategist (IE) Heleria Drakenfeld, Regulatrix...

  • Character (Heroines) Box KST 3
    €42.85 €37.95 Character (Heroines) Box KST 3
    This box contains all 3 KST Heroines from our third TGG public release (November 2015). Content: Katrina Zerga, Tank Stopper (KST) Ludmilla Magdanova, Strategist (KST) Volga Potemkine, Army Standard (KST) 3 round...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Jailbirds 4
    €43.85 €38.95 Character (Heroines) Box Jailbirds 4
    This box contains all 3 Jailbirds Heroines from our fifth TGG public release (January 2016). Content: Punky, Army Standard (JB) Raven, The Chainbreaker (JB) Tania Tanker, Tank Specialist (JB) 3 round 25mm...

  • Character (Heroes) Box KST 6: The Kurganov
    €67.80 €49.95 Character (Heroes) Box KST 6: The Kurganov
    This box contains all 4 KST Heroes + 1 Mascot from our TGG line (April 2016). Your customer SAVES OVER 26% when buying this box instead of each item separately, with a retail price of 49.95 EUR instead of 67.80 EUR...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Jailbirds 3
    €42.85 €37.95 Character (Heroines) Box Jailbirds 3
    This box contains all 3 Jailbirds Heroines from our third TGG public release (October 2015). Content: Ash, Tank Gunner (JB) Foxy Dynamite, Infiltration Specialist (JB) Lieutenant Parker (JB) 3 round 25mm...

  • Heroines Box Dark Elves 3 (Fantasy)
    €66.00 €49.95 Heroines Box Dark Elves 3 (Fantasy)
    Follow the links to see each model in detail.Scale is Heroic 28mm. All minis are in resin. → SAVE  24% with this box instead of getting each item separately. Box contains 3 Dark Elves Heroines + 2...

  • Character (Heroines) Box : The Freedom Fighters (JB, KST, IE)
    €44.85 €39.95 Character (Heroines) Box : The Freedom Fighters (JB, KST, IE)
    This box contains all 3 Heroines from our TGG line release (April 2016). Your customer SAVES UP to 11% when buying this box instead of each item separately, with a retail price of 39.95 EUR instead of 44.85 EUR...

  • Heroines Box KST 5: The Yagas
    €59.80 €49.95 Heroines Box KST 5: The Yagas
    This box contains all 4 KST Heroines from our TGG line (March 2016). Content: Baba Yaga, Soul Weaver Matriarch (KST) Tarja, Yaga Soul-Weaver (KST) Arushka, Yaga Soul-Weaver (KST) Sashenka, Yaga Soul-Weaver (KST) 4...

  • Vanquishers All-Stars - All 10 (SoEM - SF)
    €139.50 €69.95 Vanquishers All-Stars - All 10 (SoEM - SF)
    SAVE with this Pack! This Pack gets you all 10 fabulous Vanquishers All-Stars It includes the Vanquishers All-Stars - Command Group  featuring these 5 awesome models: Cerixis, VQ CG (SoEM - SF) Martelia, VQ CG...

  • Heroes Box: The Big Ones (JB, KST, IE)
    €62.85 €49.95 Heroes Box: The Big Ones (JB, KST, IE)
    This box contains all 3 Heroines from our TGG line release (March 2016). Content: General Ilsa Wolfenstein, Army Commander (IE) Aleksandr Kurganov, Chief Commander of the KST Kiki Bulldozer, Bio-Experiment Survivor...

  • Heroines Box Void Elves 3 (SF)
    €66.00 €49.95 Heroines Box Void Elves 3 (SF)
    Follow the links to see each model in detail.Scale is Heroic 28mm. All minis are in resin. → SAVE  24% with this box instead of getting each item separately. Box contains 3 Void Elves Heroines + 2...

  • Heroines Box Sisters 2 (SF)
    €50.00 €39.95 Heroines Box Sisters 2 (SF)
    Follow the links to see each model in detail.Scale is Heroic 28mm. All minis are in resin. → SAVE  20% with this box instead of getting each item separately. Box contains 3 SF Sisters Heroines and 3...

  • Heroines Box Sisters 2 (Fantasy)
    €50.00 €39.95 Heroines Box Sisters 2 (Fantasy)
    Follow the links to see each model in detail.Scale is Heroic 28mm. All minis are in resin. → SAVE  20% with this box instead of getting each item separately. Box contains 3 Fantasy Sisters Heroines...

  • Heroines Box Sisters 4 (SF)
    €66.00 €55.00 Heroines Box Sisters 4 (SF)
    Your customers SAVE 17 % when buy this box instead of each item separately. Follow the links to see each model in detail. → Your customers SAVE 17% with this box instead of getting each item separately...

  • Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire #5
    €41.85 €36.95 Character (Heroines) Box Iron Empire #5
    This box contains all 3 Iron Empire Heroines from our TGG line (April 2016). Your customer SAVES OVER 11% when buying this box instead of each item separately, with a retail price of 36.95 EUR instead of 41.85 EUR...

  • Daughters of the Orphanage - All Stars Command Group (Sisters - FANTASY)
    €55.00 €39.95 Daughters of the Orphanage - All Stars Command Group (Sisters - FANTASY)
    Your customers save 36% when purchase this box instead of each minis individually.But hurry, pricing will soon revert to 39.95€. These are the All-Stars Daughters of the Orphanage Command Group featuring...

  • Heroines Box Sisters 3 (Fantasy)
    €55.00 €42.95 Heroines Box Sisters 3 (Fantasy)
    Follow the links to see each model in detail.Scale is Heroic 28mm. All minis are in resin. → SAVE  22% with this box instead of getting each item separately. Box contains 3 Fantasy Sisters Heroines...

  • Daughters of the Orphanage Pack - All 10 Stars Command AND Troops (Sisters - F)
    €110.00 €69.00 Daughters of the Orphanage Pack - All 10 Stars Command AND Troops (Sisters - F)
    SPECIAL OFFER! Your customers Save 37% with this PACK instead of getting all 10 MINIS individually, AND Save 14% with this PACK instead of getting the Command and the Troops BOX separately...

  • Heroines Box Sisters 3 (SF)
    €55.00 €42.95 Heroines Box Sisters 3 (SF)
    Follow the links to see each model in detail.Scale is Heroic 28mm. All minis are in resin. → SAVE  22% with this box instead of getting each item separately. Box contains 3 SF Sisters Heroines and 5...

  • Revengers, Heavy Weapons Squad (SoEM - SF)
    €44.95 €39.95 Revengers, Heavy Weapons Squad (SoEM - SF)
    Launch Deal! In this box find our 5 unbelievable Revengers and her 2 support Cherubin! With this box: 1 Captain with Chainsword 2 Support Cherubin for better damages - And Mix 4 heavy Sisters with your favorite...

  • Heroines Box Sisters 4 (Fantasy)
    €66.00 €55.00 Heroines Box Sisters 4 (Fantasy)
    Your customers SAVE 17 % when you buy this box instead of each item separately. Follow the links to see each model in detail. → Your customers SAVE 17% with this box instead of getting each item separately...

  • Heroines Box Lust Elves 2 (SF)
    €73.00 €59.00 Heroines Box Lust Elves 2 (SF)
    Your customers SAVE 19 % when buy this box instead of each item separately. Follow the links to see each model in detail. → Your customers SAVE 19% with this box instead of getting each item separately...

  • Heroines Box Lust Elves 2 (Fantasy)
    €73.00 €59.00 Heroines Box Lust Elves 2 (Fantasy)
    Your customers SAVE 19 % when buy this box instead of each item separately. Follow the links to see each model in detail. → Your customers SAVE 19% with this box instead of getting each item separately...

  • Heroines Box Lust Elves 3 (SF)
    €66.00 €55.00 Heroines Box Lust Elves 3 (SF)
    Your customers SAVE 17 % when buy this box instead of each item separately. Follow the links to see each model in detail. → Box contains these 2 terrifying Science-Fiction Lust Elves Heroines: Keshyrii, Centaur...

  • Heroines Box Lust Elves 3 (FANTASY)
    €66.00 €55.00 Heroines Box Lust Elves 3 (FANTASY)
    Your customers SAVE 17 % when buy this box instead of each item separately. Follow the links to see each model in detail. → Box contains these 2 terrifying FANTASY Lust Elves Heroines: Keshyrii, Centaur Heroine...